What is your Chinese New Year luxury strategy?

“The US is luxury’s largest market. Japan still remains a large luxury market in terms of absolute size. However, China is the true star of the region” – Claudia D’Arpizio (Bain & Co. Analyst)   China: the luxury market for present and future While the high-end luxury goods market is stagnant or decelerating for many [Read Story]

Status (luxury) consumption in cross-national context: Managerial implications

[podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/status2.mp3[/podcast] In my earlier post ‘Status (luxury) consumption among British and Indian customers’, I discussed the theoretical implications relating to one of my recently published study in the International Marketing Review. In this post, I am going to focus on the managerial implications. Image by minxlj via Flickr To briefly summarise the study, it focused [Read Story]

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