Managing luxury brands in recession

In the earlier blog 'Luxury consumption: will it really be affected by recession?' I provided my perspective on luxury consumption and effects of recession on it. I stated why there will be little affect of recession on luxury consumption. Furthermore, in a sequel to that blog I wrote another blog titled 'consumption tendencies in recession: [Read Story]

2021-10-27T18:34:46+00:00By |Categories: Luxury marketing|

Middle-aged consumers and conspicuous consumption

When it comes to the issue of branding and conspicuous consumption, there is plethora of knowledge (or rather information) available with regard to the youth market. Research abounds in examining their purchasing behaviour and other extensions of youthful statements. When it comes to conspicuous consumption, purchasing things, especially expensive things in a way that people [Read Story]

2021-10-27T18:34:47+00:00By |Categories: Luxury marketing|
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